25 Apr What does a fencing business do when it is wet
Well today in adelaide it is wet really wet!! here are some on the things i got up today.1) i still woke up early and went for my early morning bike ride even though it was very wet, i enjoy doing exercise first thing in the morning its gets your thoughts in order and it feels like you have had a win before the day has even started, to give you a bit of momentum.2) I got on my rain proof jacket and went out and did some free quotes in the Adelaide region, how it basically worked was that i talked to the customer inside their warm house, then i ran along with the tape measure and did my thing, i got wet, real wet.one nice customer came out with an umbrella which was nice and a bit cosy.3) after all of that i came home and had a real nice shower, then got down into writing out my colorbond fencing quotes, i spent a couple of hours working out the best materials and price for my customers.4) i ordered all the material i needed for the next couple of weeks and sorted out where my fencing contractors needed to go.5) then i caught up on all my dreaded paper work which all adelaide fencing companies have to do eventually, you can’t put it off forever!!We also spend our time measuring frameless glass pool fencing in Adelaide.so that is how i spent my day, when you own a fencing company there is never really a day off so don’t feel jealous because it looks like i have the day off.