24 Apr Colorbond graffiti removal
unfortunately fences will will be subjected to graffiti.So let us help you with your colorbond graffiti removal.There are a few products that can be used to remove graffiti off colorbond fencing but colorbond do not recommend most as it will void your warranty.There is one product that seems to be quite affective and that is DuPont(tm) graffiti remover (EZ-3463tm).DuPont(tm) says that its product is non hazardous and biodegradable water based product.use of this product in accordance with the on-pack directions will not affect your fencing warranty for colorbond steel. so says colorbond.IMPORTANT – it is advised that you remove the graffiti ASAP, prolonging it can result in the graffiti curing and then it will be alot harder to remove.There are also anti graffiti coatings that you can put onto your fence to prevent graffiti from sticking easily, but again this voids your warranty.You could also but a spray can that is the same colour as your fence, but please keep in mind that at a certain angle you will be able to tell a shade of difference.This is all just advice, and i hope it helps your further research in protecting your asset.Of cousre if you are trying to get graffiti of a frameless glass pool fence, its quite easy.