Colorbond fencing 0.35mm

Colorbond fencing 0.35mm

This is a job i did today, it was a pulldown of the old fence and a installation for the new, it was done at a set of units at marion.the style of sheeting is tl5 and the colour “bronze olive”, it was a popular colour about 25 years ago, adelaide is plastered with it, especially at flagstaff hill and aberfoyle park.This was a small job and i had it all done by 11:30am today, i started at 7:30am.The customers were very good ones, we had a chat about things and the neighbourhood etc.I then took the old fence to the tip to clean up my truck all ready for my next fencing job tomorrow, i didn’t just go home though, when owning a business there is always things to do!!!Anyway i hope you like the photo of the fence. thanks