Building a timber slat fence

Building a timber slat fence

Having a timber slat fence is becoming a rising trend in the Adelaide area, and i don’t blame people for installing them, they look great in any backyard.But knowing which slat fence to go with and how to install it is the key to making the backyard or entertaining area look amazing and to blow away all of your friends.There are a few types of slats that you can go with today, you can get a steel or aluminium type of slat which looks great depending on the style you need, but today we are going to spend some time on the timber type of slat fence that i have done in adelaide.Firstly i got my timber slats / fencing supplies from bone timber in Adelaide, it was the first time that i have ordered timber fencing supplies from bone, and i was very please with the timber that i received, it was nice and straight and blemish free, unlike other suppliers that i have felt with in adelaide, having great materials is a must if you want the finished product to look great, working with timber that is bowed or blemished is not easy and will affect the finished product, in this case the job was done with fantastic fencing supplies and the job turned out great, as you can see.The first day i arrived on the job site we determined were the timber fencing would go, i then proceeded to run a string line out and to mark where the holes would go, i then spent the next few hours digging some nice deep holes, we used 50×50 gal posts for this job, i mixed up some concrete and set and levelled the posts and then cleaned up and left them to set for a day or so.The next day i put on the first timber timber slat, made sure it was level, this is important to get your first slat right, then i created a few spacers for the gaps in-between the timbers, then basically just cut and screwed the timber slats into place, this was the time consuming part of building a timber fence, my suggestion is to get some music going to take your mind off the repetition of the job otherwise you will go crazy within a few hours.Once the job is done it is recommend to give the timbers a paint or a varnish or stain to help preserve the life of the timber slats and to also give it a finished look, in this case i have left it up to the customers to paint this timber fence, once done I’m sure that it would of looked great.So there you have it, a quick look at installing a timber slat fence by lee benson fencing.