Welding colorbond fencing to retaining walls.

Welding colorbond fencing to retaining walls.

Welding Adelaide fencing on top of retaining walls,This is a colorbond fencing job done in Blackwood southern Adelaide, I actually really enjoy doing these types of jobs, why? cause i don’t have to dig holes!!which is a really good thing, trust me.With post and rail fencing, it is really easy, you just get a 50×50 post and weld it onto the side of the RSJ of the retaining wall, you then just follow the steps of a regular post and rail fence job.Many contractors do not know how to weld affectively, you really need to penetrate the steel enough to get a strong weld, the best thing to do is to give it all you have after its welded to make sure its stuck onto that wall.Apart from that it is easy to do and fun.Here is a pic of the job i did at southern adelaide, its a stepped job.stay in touch, we will be doing frameless glass pool fencing in Adelaide soon.thanks