5 steps to install a good neighbour adelaide fence

fencing services woodcroft

5 steps to install a good neighbour adelaide fence

1) First you need to establish your boundary line, all good adelaide fencing sits on top of the boundary line, to do this you can sometimes find and the end of your property pegs that have been placed by a local surveyor, if you house id too old you can put the new fence where the old fence was but this is not advised by us as it can lead toproblems down the track.) Mark your holes, to do this use the fencing rail that is used for the panel fence, actually use 2 of them, have the first one where you want the fence to start then leave a 10mm gap and place the next one down, as you do this mark the ground accordingly  . Marking your holes is very important to a south adelaide fencing contractor, as you do not want to be digging holes for no reason.3) Dig the holes, now depending on what size your fence is you will have to dig your holes accordingly, but for a 1.8m high colorbond fence you will need to dig your holes 200mmx650mm this is the best way to do it, and it will give you fence plenty of strength in cyclonic winds.4)Concrete in your posts, i use a cement mixer as i believe that quick set concrete is not strong enough for fencing, using a good strong mix is the way to go, pour it into you holes and use a level and your rail spacer as you go along, and keep your string line up so you can keep the straight line.5)Put in the bottom rail first and screw it to the posts, next grab 3 sheets and keep them nearby and slot in you 3 sheets into a standard panel of good neighbour fencing, then slide on your top rail to secure your sheeting and screw off the whole fence.there you have it, if you need any more info feel free to contact us.We also do frameless glass pool fencing in the Adelaide region.